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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Cardiologists report.

The things one has to request in looking for, in the enquiring about heart abnormalities. If your experiencing chest discomfort when doing any form of exercise. If this discomforted is relieved by rest. If there is a history of heart disease with in family, what parents or grandparents might have curcuma to death from like acute heart failure? If one wants to know their blood pressure and look for cholesterol levels. Blood pressure can be monitored by a wrist band machine at very inexpensive price always a good investment to have with a first aid box. But it is vital to encourage people to get a physical examination by an experienced practitioner takes minutes and can be done on a brake for example your family doctor, if the doctor unsure request an ECG. Look for abnormalities. Request a blood test look for Troponin in the protein within a blood test. This is released into the blood by damaged heart muscle. Elevated Troponin can indicate recent heart shocks or attacks. A Coronary Angiograph is a special X – Ray of the coronary arteries. In usually cases the right coronary arteries will show a narrowing or cholesterol residue this causes the artery wall to weaken and can cause a full scale collapse and a blocked heart. The next procedure would be to remedy this; it is so simple a procedure it defies belief if caught in time, but one has to obey the warning signs to find heart trauma.
A patient can have the following low-on angioplasty. This is the blowing up of the vessel, and putting in a stent to keep the artery wall open this is like a pipe imbedded into the artery wall. It has to be checked so it doesn’t trap cholesterol deposits forming another blockage. Checking cholesterol and doing a treadmill exerciser test may prove to be a measure that will save your life. Or at worse save a patient from becoming paralysed by stroke. A coronary angiography is also a very effective way of monitoring a stressed heart. A stroke is the equivalent to being in car wreckage you never know what parts of the body will remain verdantly injured. This can all be fixed in two to three days. Know body needs to know. If one could only get people who have died to read this they would have lived till they were seventy plus.

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