The trick here is to grow stem cells from ordinary cells and turn into a super cure or even grow partially adapted organs for human transplanting. This technology is now becoming a possible solution, with these new inpatient methods can leave this field forward to a very unique advancing point in human gernetics, as for limb regeneration seems to be a dream concept. Their still hope for organs regeneration these may include stem cell gentiles. The winning compound was ITD-1. 'This particular molecule could be useful to enhance stem cell differentiation in a damaged heart,' said Erik Willems, who helped write the study. 'At some point, it could become the basis for a new therapeutic drug for cardiovascular disease - one that would likely limit scar spreading in heart failure and promote new muscle formation.’ The teams are now working with San Diego biotech company ChemRegen, Inc. to further develop ITD-1 into a commercial drug that one day might be used to treat patients.

Stem cell therapies offer the promise of radical new treatments for everything from Parkinson's to heart disease. However, researchers have so far struggled to control the cells, the master cells of the body which can be turned into any other cell. A US team now believes have made a major step towards potential treatments for cardiac disease with the discovery of a molecule than can turn a stem cell into a heart cell. Researchers at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, the Human Bio Molecular Research Institute, and Chem Regen, Inc. have been searching for molecules that convert stem cells to heart cells for about eight years -- and now they've found one. The researchers use a robot to sift through a large collection of drug-like chemicals and uncovered ITD-1, a molecule that can be used to generate unlimited numbers of new heart cells from stem cells.’ Heart disease is the leading cause of death in this country,' said Mark Mercola, director of Sanford-Burnham's Muscle Development and Regeneration Program and senior author of the study.

'Because we can't replace lost cardiac muscle, the condition irreversibly leads to a decline in heart function and ultimately death. 'The only way to effectively replace lost heart muscle cells, called cardiomyocytes, is to transplant the entire heart,' he said. However, it is hoped that drugs could one day simply allow new, healthy cells to grow. 'Using a drug to create new heart muscle from stem cells would be far more appealing than heart transplantation,' he said. Mercola's group has been hunting for heart-inducing signals for 15 years -- in embryos and in stem cells. Recently they employed sophisticated robotic technology to methodically test a large collection of drug-like chemicals, looking for that needle in a haystack that, when added to stem cells, results in cardiomyocytes.
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