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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Cures by manipulation.

The first ever biological robots that are powered by sperm have been created by scientists in Germany. As researchers have managed to trap single sperm cells inside metal nano tubes and remotely control their direction using magnets 'even atom of gold'. The biological robots or bio-bots 'could be used in humans to deliver cures' to a very specific parts of the body or to help fertilize an egg. Researchers have managed to trap single sperm cells inside metal nano-tubes in dark grey and remotely control their direction using magnets Oliver Schmidt at the Institute for Integrative Nano-sciences in Dresden created magnetic nano-tubes that were 50 microns long by 5 to 8 microns in diameter and dropped these into a fluid containing bull sperm.To trap the sperm and stop them from escaping, the tubes were narrower at one end and could be moved using a magnetic field, Professor Schmidt said health nutrition‘The biggest challenge was to adjust the size of the micro tube to a diameter slightly larger than the sperm head by at the same time maintaining the mobility of the sperm tails,’ he said to health nutrition wise as the birth of the the new robotic sperm that infuse DNA with a boost like a cure for most toxic infectious diseases. This puts  ’cancer top of this agenda’easy yea ?Scientists create first cyborg sperm that can be remote-controlled using magnets. Tiny magnetic nano-tubes were dropped into a fluid containing bull sperm. Tubes trapped sperm allowing their direction to be magnetically controlled. In the future, sperm-bots could be used to deliver drugs to a very specific part of the body or to help fertilize an egg.
Sperm-bot controlled by magnetic field  here is the incite on how these bio bots were created. As the researchers created magnetic nano-tubes that were 50 microns long by 5 to 8 microns in diameter and dropped these into a fluid containing bull sperm.
To trap the sperm and stop them from escaping, the tubes were narrower at one end and could be moved using magnetic field.The tail-like part of the sperm cell pokes outside the end of the tube to power the bio-bot like a propeller.The tail-like part of the sperm cell pokes outside the end of the tube to power the bio-bot like a propeller. Up until now researchers had only managed to make groups of cells cooperate using various chemical and magnetic fields. ‘A sperm-driven micro-bio robot could be used for magnetically guided transport and delivery purposes in bio-medical applications,’ said Professor Schmidt. ‘Of course, the vision of using magnetically guided human sperms for assisted fertilisation seems most compelling but is still far from being realized.' The biological robots - or bio-bots - could be used in the future to deliver drugs to a very specific parts of the body or to help fertilize an egg.
Still, there is no reason why this technique should not work for human sperm cells as well,' he added. ‘One possible way might therefore be to capture single sperm cells in vitro, transfer the sperm-driven robots into the uterus and guide them magnetically towards the egg cell location.’Professor Schmidt said that sperm cells were ideal option for this type of work as they are harmless to the body and do not require an external power source. A paper, named ‘Development of 'Sperm-Flagella Drive' as this Micro-Bio-Robot’, can be found in the journal Advanced Materials. How sperm reveals if a man suspects infidelity in male means that they produce extra ‘kamikaze fighters' to kill off competing sperm. Clinical sexologist claims up to 40% of ejaculate is so-called ‘fighter sperm’ These are designed to prevent another man’s sperm from reaching an egg. As it does this through ‘blocking’ - creating walls by linking tails together. Other fighter sperm are designed to kill the sperm of other males. If a man suspects a partner of cheating, fighter sperm numbers increase. Yet this is under debate as researchers are struggling to see it in action.

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