As health nutrition wise uncover the life-saving properties of reptile venom as increasing numbers of Creatures come under the microscope in the quest to find cures and preventative. These toxins also known as medicine cures for a range of human ailments. From the copperhead snake in northern Florida to the eastern brown in Australia. here with a range of natures discovers and how the chemicals contained in their venom cans help cure life-threatening conditions. Have if harnessed in the right way. The Ingenuity and extreme toxicity of the poison drips from the that's Fangs and stings of these magnificently designed critters. This is ground spider of native Austria 64 types of toxin envenoms has been analysed used medians as well as harmless pesticides some think it a life saver does have a nasty bit love to eat cockroaches.
So how can you not Admire the Ruthless efficiency of a scorpion.

Is demonstrated with all due Relish through some great wildlife footage and liberal doses of computer generated images. Humanity will never tire of watching the tiny mouth of a killer snake expand to ingest. hire purchased rodent in one slow Gulp? Or of puffer fish Expanding to the size of volleyballs. When Sonny 's sense unwanted presence. Or getting totaled of a cockroach. The Excuse for Nigel 's attentions is the noble scientific work being done to put these venom's to medical use . Admittedly the emphasis is on hope rather than hard results , with limited success Promising experimental that's venom.

Could Soon be used in the treatment of cancer, pine and chronic wounds . The irony of turning something deadly into something that's may save lives is a nail Nigel hits a few too many times but it's a quibble dwarfed by the joy with Which he handles Dangerous Creatures .Which Brings him to the crop of this harmful bunch in Australia the brown snake , the funnel - web spider and the blue -ringed octopus have secure places at the top of the world 's nastiest Creatures list, a fact to make the soul swell with patriotism . Watch the docile looking blue ringed octopus making short work of a much larger and very aggressive crab. as empirical cures are extrapolated to naturally cure almost all ailments if Humanity only knew.
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