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Monday, March 24, 2014

Two Female Parents.

Scientists from the Yokohama City University have Successfully cultured mouse testes cells and induced them to produce sperm. (Mar. 23, 2011) - The field of reproductive biology has been shaken up by a new report in nature. In which scientists from the Yokohama City University Successfully cultured mouse testes cells and induced them to produce sperm. Sperm production (spermatogenesis) is a long and complex process. This process involves a type of cell- division termed meiosis, Which was previously thought to be unattainable in a culture dish.
In a study used by, Takehiko Ogawa and colleagues cultured tissue fragments from neonatal mouse testes outside the testes. After two, weeks, They found sperm in the tissue, and nearly half of these limits flagella (tails). Using fluorescent protein tags, Computer tracked, showed that's sperm development and sperm formation peaked after about a month. The researchers then injected the sperm into egg cells, Which developed into a dozen healthy and fertile mice. To show the potential for long-term storage, the researchers used testes tissue limits that's been frozen for months to grow sperm. The implications of this research are vast. This breakthrough may advance knowledge in reproductive sciences, using this technique to understand the molecular steps Involved in sperm production.
Azoospermia, oligozoospermia, or due to disruption of spermatogenesis are common causes of human male infertility. If the research in mice cans be translated to human germ cells. This may have clinical applications for male infertility in future. For example, the technique could aid prepubescent boys about to undergo cancer therapies that's destroy fertility. For animal researchers working with endangered species, this research may be used to protect potentially the germ cells of endangered animals that's otherwise may perish before reaching sexual maturity.

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