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Monday, August 31, 2015

On gender Reassignments.

For a female to transgender is more complex than previously thought. As the hormone imbalance is more complex than originally suggests, these new findings were presented at the annual meeting of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Commenting on behalf of the ECNP communications committee, Dr Kamilla Miskowiak, from Copenhagen University Hospital, said: 'It is well known that language development differs between girls and boys and that this is related to gender-related differences in brain maturation. 'However, this intriguing neuroimaging study of transsexuals before and after their female-to-male gender reassignment suggests that even adult men and women differ in brain structure within regions involved in language and speech. 'In particular, female-to-male gender reassignment resulted in local brain matter decrease within language processing regions, which may explain why verbal abilities are often stronger in women.
It is a commonly-held belief that women are better at multitasking than men. And now a new study has revealed that the ability to do more than one task at once is linked to gender (file image posed by model)

As  now scientists have discovered that so closely linked is the ability to take on more than one task at a time, with gender, that women undergoing a sex change start to lose the skill. Researchers found women start to think more like men after being given testosterone treatment.Their brains undergo structural changes and shrink in areas that play a key role in language. The scientists, from the University of Vienna, examined 18 female-to-male transsexuals, performing MRI scans before and after four weeks of testosterone treatment.  They found exposure to the male hormone reduced the volume of grey matter - nerve cells - in two key regions of the brain linked to language processing, the Broca's and Wenicke's areas. Yet, at the same time, researchers noted the connections between these two regions became stronger.

Professor Rupert Lanzenberger, said: 'What we see is a real quantitative difference in brain structure after prolonged exposure to testosterone. 'This would have been impossible to understand without looking at a transsexual population. 'In more general terms, these findings may suggest that the genuine difference between the brains of women and men is substantially attributable to the effects of circulating sex hormones. 'Moreover, the hormonal influence on human brain structure goes beyond early developmental phases and is still present in adulthood. 'Scientists examined 18 female-to-male transsexuals, performing MRI scans before and after four weeks of testosterone treatment. They found exposure to the male hormone reduced the volume of grey matter - nerve cells - in two key regions of the brain linked to language processing.

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