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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Canada verses European "Reach Agency".

Canada has announced baby bottles containing this chemical will be banned. The US is said to be reconsidering its safety levels, but the European Union argues that the levels we are exposed to are too low to be harmful.

The European Union has made noises about tightening regulations on chemicals, and REACH, a European Community Regulation on chemicals and their safe use, is supposed to address the risk posed by combined chemicals - but no action has been taken yet. Meanwhile our bodies may carry on bearing the toxic burden - possibly harming us in the long-term by contributing to cancer, heart disease and decreased fertility.

"Many chemicals in isolation may not pose a dramatic health risk," says Professor Kortenkamp, "but with so many in circulation, no one yet knows the long-term effect of the cocktail of these chemicals. "For more information about chemicals and toxins, visit Friends Of The Earth

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