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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Simple blood showed.


'Elizabeth with Florence and FreddieMum-of-two Elizabeth Salter Green, 45, a toxicologist with campaigning group the CHEM Trust, volunteered to be a chemical guinea pig. She had her blood and urine tested, and was horrified when they were found to contain 22 chemical substances. Among them were high levels of poly chlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, which have been linked to hormone disruption and brain, heart and immune-system problems. Six types of pesticides and four types of flame retardants were also found. These are used in televisions and computers to prevent them setting on fire and the particles are released into the air and can then be inhaled. They can accumulate in breast milk and have been found in animal studies to cause neurological problems, as well as reproductive issues.

While Elizabeth hasn't suffered any health problems so far, she was worried by what the tests showed. "I was shocked and appalled when I found out how toxic I was," says Elizabeth."I thought I'd always been pretty aware of my level of exposure, but it bought home just how vulnerable we all are." Elizabeth took immediate steps to protect herself and her children, Florence, six, and Freddie, five. "I threw out my cosmetics, and made sure we all started eating only organic food and cut out red meat. I'm very worried about the impact this could have on my children," Elizabeth says. "I'm doing the best I can do reduce our exposure. I plan to get tested again and I hope my levels are significantly lower. "We have to be more aware of what chemicals are doing to our body."

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