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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fusing Embryos.

Biological biology has become somewhat a living art, as this would frighten most. Technological advances allow dimensional  exploration like to perfect it seems. The biology old school in a few years has become ancient, as it produced an experimental sheep called dolly 5-7-1997.
As this sheep dolly was cloned from a modified laboratory example 'grown sample diploid' somatic cell. Not common knowledge that her sibling had some , minor issues like tissue ageing  as this was observed it was nothing complex, accept created mass panic among the public. As a result this type of work remained undisclosed. As health nutrition may not be in favor of genetic modifications, as these are still fought with questions. Benefits include curing links associated to hereditary diseases. These can be eliminated from generations, for example certain weakness. One could say osteoporosis or motor neuron's. But there is a long list that could kill off a potential healthy parent. As with all medical advances these diseases can be eliminated with no consequences as these people achievements are stunted because pass away very early age. So to bring some new updates on chromatin or double helix within diploid fusing. Two female eggs together will become more of a fun thing to do, will also mean parent father would be a woman with a futuristic device. But this may not be such an ordeal as there are many sophisticated couples could like a new experience.
Could be a tool developed for either couples to attempt cross fibrillation. Thus into future where girls can become male partner to others. But there has to be more acceptance of this similarly to males could be fitted with pregnancy pouches. So if you ask where you buy one not guaranteed yet even early model have some technicality but probably work from a cell phone.
 Life as an entity started as an egg this actually started in your mother's developing ovary, before she was born. you were wrapped in your mother's fetal body as it developed within your grandmother so here is a 'hyper context of soul in existence' wont explain this in full. After the two of you left Grandma's womb, you enjoyed the protection of your mother's prepubescent ovary. Then, sometime of about 12 and 50 years after the two of you left your grandmother, you burst forth and were sucked by her fibrillate into a 'conjoint perception' of Fallopian tube these maybe your trates genetic. You glided along the oviduct, surviving happily on the stored nutrients and genetic messages that were packed for you.
Then, at some point, your father spent a few minutes close by, but then left. A little while later, you encountered some very odd tiny cells that he had shed. They did not merge with you, or give you any cell membranes or nutrients -.. just an infinitesimally small packet of DNA, less than one-millionth of your mass.
So killing of a fetus does not drive thinking to the absurdity that we mustn't block the 'fertilization of an egg' You can say a fetus has a FLO. But an egg doesn't, because it's not true that we were once eggs. There is no continuous entity that starts off existing before fertilization and continues for the first 14 days and then for the duration of pregnancy, and then through ordinary life, so that it has a FLO (future like ours). This is the perception of conception which every human has a duty to protect.

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