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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dilutions delusions.

A good soak in refreshing rock water with its rhythms at a nano level is an invigorating experience, describing if water has a memory and how does H-2-0 perform within.
The question is would we survive without it and what does this 70%  of water do when its composed within the body. Some answers may come from stunning photographs, selected for the Royal Photographic Society’s latest exhibition; highlight the incredible beauty of scientific research. The sensational images come from various disciplines of science and highlight how important photography is for academics. The photographs form a dazzling display of the world’s best scientific photography going on show to the public. Stunning photographs from the prestigious Royal Photographic Society's latest exhibition prove that science and beauty can co-exist. This image is a polarised light micrograph of a sample of ocean jasper by Bernardo Cesare. This volcanic 'ocean jasper' is found only in Madagascar and is highly prized among collectors. Here a thin section of rock just 30 micrometres thick has been polished and polarised light shone through it. A second polarizing filter reveals these amazing colours.
The Royal Photographic Society’s International Images for Science exhibition showcases works from 54 scientists from around the world. Photography skills play a crucial role in medicine, forensic science, engineering, archaeology, oceanography, natural history and many more areas. One of the Professor Sigeru Watanabe, from the department of psychology at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan, said goldfish have evolved to develop similar hearing mechanisms as seemingly far more complex animals. He said: ‘Humans can easily recognize and enjoy a variety of types of music. ‘Several studies have investigated whether these properties of music exist in non-human animals. ‘Goldfish are known as a hearing specialist species, since they have evolved a structure to enhance auditory signals detected by the inner ear. ‘This suggests that goldfish have evolved specific features for hearing and can recognize complex auditory stimuli similar to those recognized by modern vertebrates.’ The findings go some way to disproving myths that suggest goldfish are relatively simple creatures with low levels of intelligence. According to popular myth they have a memory span of only 15 seconds. But recent research has suggested that goldfish can have a memory span of up to three months. Image suggest spent to much time on trying to catch goldfish.
Desynchronosis can happen when the body adjusts its circadian rhythms to a new environment after travelling from east to west or vice versa. These natural rhythms, or patterns within the body, regulate times for eating, sleeping, hormone production and body temperature, and they slip out of sync in a new time zone.
Symptoms can include headaches, irregular sleep or insomnia, disorientation, mild depression, constipation or diarrhoea image shows what might happen. As suffers experience from the effects of flying long-haul after an unpacked flight have the new risk where. Jet-lag happens after travelling on aircraft. For about a week after a flight,  legs and lower body feel swollen and leaden as if  the body been pumped full of water. Shoulders feel knotty after sitting on an uncomfortable plane for hours on end. How does this not reflect my post-holiday glow, sluggish circulation. The exhibition celebrates the use of photography in science and shows that academia with beauty can collide, some further research may explain why some water makes feel good, while other water makes feel ok although restrictive movement at higher altitude causes blood tinning, over a few hours body enjoys this. Symptoms  are a bit like bends but not as suveer.

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